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CCTV-9 中国通过污泥处理减少碳排放

2012-05-31 管理员 点击:4696
        温总理所宣布的二氧化碳减排目标是,与2005年碳排放水平相比,单位GDP二氧化碳排放量削减40%—50% 。中国代表团中的其他代表也对中国的立场做出强烈的回应。世界野生动物基金会、牛津国际、绿色和平国际等国际组织都高度评价了中国为全球碳减排所做出的巨大的贡献。

China cuts emissions by treating sludge

First, let’s look at the top stories, that making headlines at this hour. Though no concrete goals were reached at the chaotic Copenhagen summit, China has impressed the world with its stance and commitment to combating climatic change. Zheng Junfeng has more. On his last day in Copenhagen, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told global leaders China’s unconditional commitments.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said:” The Chinese government has set targets for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This is a voluntary action China has taken in the light of national circumstances. We have not attached any condition to the targets not link it to the target of any other countries. We will honor our word with real action. Whatever outcome this conference may produce, we fully committed be fully achieving and even conceding this target. 

The target that Wen Jiabao spoke of is to cut carbon dioxide per unit of GDP by 40%-45% compared to the level in 2005, other representatives from the Chinese delegations also strongly voiced China’s stance. On December 9th, a number of developed nations lead by Denmark proposed a draft, it weakened developed nations’ obligations, said difficult tasks for developed nations, the Chinese delegations responded swiftly and firmly.  

Several international organizations including World Wild Life Fund, Oxford International, and Green Peace International has spoken highly of China’s reaction saying, it’s making great contribution to global efforts. 

Regardless of what came out of the Copenhagen conference, Premier Wen Jiabao has vowed China would do its best to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


The clean coastal city of Dalian is already helping to fulfill the governments pledge by treating sludge.

"As we all know, carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas. But many may not know that other gases, such as methane, also contributes greatly to global warming. That sludge treatment plant here in Dalian not only bolsters a recycling local economy, but helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Sludge treatment doesnt sound like a very fashionable business. But if not properly treated, sludge can gradually generate methane, a greenhouse gas over 20-times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

Shan Hongguang, Deputy Director, Dalian Urban Construction Bureau, said, "We order all sludge in the city to be transported to one digestion plant for an economic scale. Then after research, we decide to use anaerobic digestion technology, the best among a variety of techniques in treating sludge."

Anaerobic digestion generates biogas with a high proportion of methane, which is captured in these huge green steel tanks.

Dong Jingqing, Chairman of Dalian Dongtai Industrial Waste Treatment, said, "We can collect 4-thousand tons of methane every year. Thats equivalent to reduction of 80-thousand tons of carbon dioxide."

Now the methane is captured, and emissions are reduced What do they do with the methane? Dong Jinqing from Dalian Industrial Waste Treatment says 20-percent of the gas is used in heating the tanks for digestion, and the rest is transported to the local gas company.

Dong Jingqing, Chairman of Dalian Dongtai Industrial Waste Treatment, said, "After we filter the biogas, we get natural gas. We transport it to the Dalian Gas Company. The gas we supply every day is enough for 30-thousand households to use."

Lu Shouwei, Vice General Manager of Dalian Gas Company, said, "Dalian is a city thirsty for natural gas. We import gas from oil wells every day. When Dongtai sludge treatment plant reaches its full capacity, it can provide us almost 10-percent of the whole citys gas demand. The cooperation also brings Dongtai good revenue."

Dalians proving that through technology innovation and good management, the smelly, muddy material will no longer be a headache for city governments, but a treasury for clean energy and emission reduction.